We use cookies in order to provide a better service and enhance your browsing experience. We wish to give you clear, precise information about the cookies we use. To do so, below are details about what a cookie is, what it is used for, the types of cookies we use, their purpose and how you can change their settings or disable them if you wish.

1. What is a cookie and what is it used for?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user’s PC, tablet, smartphone or any other device with information about browsing habits.

The cookies of all of our users combined help us to improve the quality of our website, as they allow us to track which pages are useful, the ones that are not and the ones that could be improved.

Cookies are essential for the Internet to work properly, as well as having numerous advantages in the provision of interactive services, making browsing easier for you and ensuring the website is user friendly. In addition, they help us identify and rectify errors.

2. Cookie settings


3. What types of cookie do we use?

3.1. Depending on the entity that handles them:

Proprietary cookies

These cookies are sent to your device from ours or from one of our domains from the time that we provide a service that you have requested.

Third-party cookies

These cookies are sent to your device from one or from a domain that is not managed by us, but rather by an entity that works alongside us. By way of example, those used by social media or by external content such as Google Maps.

3.2. Depending on the term they remain enabled:

Session cookies

These are temporary cookies that are stored on your browser’s cookie file until you leave the website, so none of them are saved on your PC’s hard drive. The information obtained through these cookies serves to analyse Internet traffic patterns. In the long run, this makes it possible to improve browsing experiences, enhance content and facilitate its use.

Persistent cookies

They are stored on your hard drive and our website reads them every time you revisit it. A permanent cookie has a set expiry date. It will stop working after this date.

3.3. Depending on their purpose

Technical cookies

They are required for browsing our website and for it to work properly. For instance, they make it possible to track traffic and data transmission, access restricted sections, process an order placed, use security features, store contents so that videos can be watched or content on social media shared.

Analytical cookies

These cookies enable us to count the number of users and thus compile and analyse statistics on the use they make of the services provided. To do so, browsing habits on our website are analysed in order to improve the range of products and services we offer.

Personalisation cookies

They allow a user to access a service based on certain predefined characteristics of a general nature in line with a number of criteria on the user’s PC, such as the default language, the type of browser used to access the service, the regional settings from where the service is accessed, etc.

4. Cookies that we use on our website

The cookies used on our website, their purpose and term are listed below

Domain nameTechnical cookiesPurposeTerm
technica-engineering.comwpca_consentService for establishing whether or not cookies have been accepted1 Year
technica-engineering.comwpca_ccWhich cookies are allowed1 Year
 technica-engineering.comwp_lang, wp-wpml_current_languageSaves your language navigation preferenceSession
Domain Personalization cookies Purpose or associated service Term
.youtube.com ecure-1PAPISID

Our website uses embedded Youtube videos to show you demos of our products.

By logging in to a Google account, cookies are installed that make it possible to enhance the user’s experience whenever embedded Google content is displayed on other websites such as ours. You can find further information about the use of cookies by Google at the following link: google privacy policy

1 Year
.youtube.com __Secure-1PSID 1 Year
.youtube.com SAPISID 1 Year
.youtube.com APISID 1 Year
.youtube.com SSID 1 Year
.youtube.com SID 1 Year
.youtube.com HSID 1 Year
.google.com NID 6 months
.google.com AEC 1 month
.doubleclick.net IDE 5 months
.youtube.com VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE 6 months
.youtube.com YSC Sesión
.google.com __Secure-ENID 1 Year
.google.com CONSENT 1 Year
.google.com SOCS 6 months
.youtube.com PREF 1 Year
.youtube.com DEVICE_INFO 6 months
.youtube.com SOCS 1 Year
.youtube.com CONSENT 1 Year
.youtube.com __Secure-YEC 1 Year
Cookie key Platform Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
fp_value Mirabel’s Marketing Manager   / Third-party 400 Days Used by Mirabel’s Marketing Manager to Identify returning website visitor
tempToken Mirabel’s Marketing Manager   / Third-party Session Used by Mirabel’s Marketing Manager to Identify website visitor activity (page views) in the specific session by assigning a GUID
fpid Mirabel’s Marketing Manager   / Third-party 365 Days Used by Mirabel’s Marketing Manager, will be used to assign a unique ID for visitor
__fp_temp_token_id Mirabel’s Marketing Manager   / Third-party 10 Years Used by Mirabel’s Marketing Manager, will be used to assign a unique ID for visitor, this will be used in case 1 year token expired
_pk_ses.245.660f Mirabel’s Marketing Manager   / Third-party 30 Minutes Used by Mirabel’s Marketing Manager, to track visitor’s session
_pk_id.245.660f Mirabel’s Marketing Manager   / Third-party 365 Days Used by Mirabel’s Marketing Manager, to track returning visitor
__fp_emailid       Third-party 365 Days Used by Mirabel’s Marketing Manager, stored email/unique identification value for better readability with Marketing manager application

5. How can you disable cookies?

You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your PC by changing the cookie settings on your Internet browser. Should you not allow cookies to be installed on your browser, it is possible that you will not be able to access some of the services and that your experience on our website may be less than satisfactory. All information for changing your cookie settings and disabling them is available on the following links for each browser:

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