Then you are in the right place. Below you can find all information necessary of discontinued products.

If you are unable to locate the support information you are looking for, please contact

PRODUCTVariantMarket IntroductionFinal DeliveryEnd of product supportSuccessor Products
1000BASE-T1 MediaConverter (1401-1)AllMay 2019Contact usContact us100/1000BASE-T1 MediaConverter MATEnet (TE-1402)
100/1000BASE-T1 MediaConverter hMTD (TE-1403)
100BASE-T1 MediaConverter EMC (1080)AllApril 2011July 2020July 20221000BASE-T1 MediaConverter EMC (1400-1)
100BASE-T1 SPY Mini (1590-1)AllMay 2019July 2020July 2022CM Ethernet Combo (1175)
100BASE-T1 SPY Mini 4 Port (1550)AllJuly 2016Sept. 2019Sept. 2022CM Ethernet Combo (1175)
100BASE-T1 SPY 12 Port (1500)AllJuly 2015Contact usMarch 2022CM 100 High (1173)
1000BASE-T1 MediaConverter (1400)HW 1.4April 2016Contact usMarch 20221000BASE-T1 MediaConverter EMC (1400-1)
1000BASE-T1 MediaConverter (1401)HW 0.6August 2017Contact usJune 20211000BASE-T1 MediaConverter (1401-1)
1000BASE-T1 SFP Module (1435)With A0 PHY from MarvellOctober 2017September 2019September 2021100/1000BASE-T1 SFP Module H-MTD (TE-1440)
100BASE-T1 SPY mini (1590)HW 0.9January 2017June 2019June 2021100BASE-T1 SPY Mini (1590-1)
100BASE-T1 MediaConverter NXP (1600)AllApril 2013May 2022May 2023100BASE-T1 MediaConverter (1000)
100BASE-T1 MediaConverter USB (1350)AllFebruary 2011May 2022May 2023
100BASE-T1 SFP Module (1430)AllApril 2014December 2022December 2023100/1000BASE-T1 SFP Module H-MTD (TE-1440)
1000BASE-T1 SFP Module (TE-1437)AllOctober 2017December 2022December 2023100/1000BASE-T1 SFP Module H-MTD (TE-1440)
Universal EMC Device (1085)AllFebruary 2023Contact usFebruary 2024
1000BASE-T1 MediaConverter EMC (1400-1)AllFebruary 2023Contact usFebruary 2024

Product support (by e-mail, by voice call, and by phone) as well as hotfixes will be performed by this date.

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